Finasteride and frontal hair loss. "And it's the worst news that anyone has ever had to get, because it's so devastating," he said, the way a child who was told he would never play with Barbie or his best friend ever get to play with his favorite toy. Dermot Corrigan is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @dermotm The most significant side effect of finasteride isn't just that it causes thinning hair. It's that it inhibits the formation of an important protein called DHT, and the resulting hair loss will stay with patients for life, devastating effects on an individual's sense of self and emotional well-being. Finasteride, a drug sold as Propecia, has long been known to cause a thinning of pharmacy online 295 hair and beard, a condition the FDA officially classifies as androgenetic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness. But scientists now think that by targeting DHT, the hormone that regulates health of hair and is critical for both male and female hair, it may also cause androgenic alopecia, too. One of the first studies to find connection between finasteride and sex-hormone-related side effects, published in the journal of European Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2006, found that those whose DHT levels actually became too high, then decreased, experienced significantly more hair loss, on average, than those whose DHT levels stayed at the appropriate but slightly elevated levels. This pattern was consistent at multiple ages, with the men and women who had Finasteride-related signs of hair loss in their blood showing a nearly identical pattern. But studies done in the last decade, with subjects at ages as young 16 and old 74, have come to different conclusions. They have confirmed the importance of DHT, and they have, in a few important ways — at least for the balding, as well — come to opposite conclusions on the nature of dandruff. The first study, published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism last year, found that the combination of finasteride and alopecia wereata, or hair loss caused by an autoimmune condition, is a rare but very real side effect of finasteride. It accounts for about 2 percent of male-pattern baldness, it said. But in the American Journal of Physiology, two researchers working at the University of Zurich in Switzerland Zovirax 60 Pills 400mg $189 - $3.15 Per pill were among the first to conclude on Nov. 15 that the finasteride-linked hair loss phenomenon is much more common than previously thought. They found that, in many patients who were getting finasteride, DHT levels had gone up, indicating that the drug had interfered with testosterone or possibly DHT itself. The higher levels, greater DHT symptoms suffered by the patients. The study was observational, of a limited number patients different ages — just 20 to 30 years old — who had zovirax pills buy online already been undergoing treatment for androgenetic alopecia prior to starting finasteride. So it could not say definitively whether the drug itself caused hair loss, or whether the patient experienced hair loss as an unintended consequence of treatment. It also could not say whether the hair loss was permanent or irreversible. "As the patients were receiving finasteride, DHT levels increased, and the patients saw this felt hair Buy generic propecia 1mg online loss"

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